The New Philadelphia Health Department works to promote better health for our citizens, to maintain a healthful environment and to collaborate in the prevention of diseases and disabilities. We do this by providing Clinic Services to citizens, a variety of Environmental Health Progams, and issuance of Vital Statistics documents for residents. For more information about this department and why it was beneficial for the residents of New Philadelphia that this department stay open, please click here .
Board of Health Meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month at 12:00 PM in the New Philadelphia City Building Council Chambers, located at 150 East High Avenue.
New Philadelphia City Health Departmentimproves the health of our community bypreventing disease, promoting healthy living,and protecting against public health threatsthrough education, policies, programs, andpartnerships.
Nurturing health and wellness to prevent disease, to promote healthy living and to protect against public health threats.
Providing professionalism, honesty, integrity, and competency in all interactions.
Community collaboration and partnership, respecting everyone who interacts with us in any capacity.
Health equity for all. Everyone should have the opportunity to attain their highest level of health, regardless of social or demographic factors.
Dedication to the community, the people and our mission.
For information regarding infectious disease and reportable diseases, please click here. If you need to report an infectious reportable disease, please call 330.364.4491 EXT. 1208.
The New Philadelphia City Health Department is goverened by a five-person Board of Health, as required by state law, with Mayor Joel Day acting at Board President. Each of the members is appointed by the Mayor of New Philadelphia for a five-year term. The current New Philadelphia City Board of Health members are:
Voting Members Term Expires
Barb Schwartz 02/01/2026 President-Pro-Tem
Judee Dzigiel, Esq 02/01/2027
Diane Rusznak 02/01/2023
Matt Tharp 02/01/2024
Lori Kuehne, MD 02/01/2025
New Philadelphia City Council Representative
Dean Holland -----
Under Ohio law, each local health department must have at least three leadership positions. Our current leadership is as follows:
--Vickie Ionno, RN Health Commissioner
--Nichole Bache, RN Director of Nursing
--Zachary Phillips, RS/REHS Director of Environmental Health
Health Department Leadership can be contacted by calling the main telephone number for the Health Department. Contact information can also be found on the Contact Information page.